Friday 11 November 2011

Tips on How to Improve Web Traffic to your site from Various Online Resources

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Many bloggers are have traffic i.e. visitors or readers to their sites according to their selective niche and blogging topics. One of my friend started blogging on General topics. Earlier he has around 3000 visitors per day. Later the visitors found to 66 are per day within 60 days. He was surprised. He tried to improve traffic for the site at his level.

He has submitted articles about his website with links, in many directories, and in some social book marking sites. Though he is trying to get visitors to his site, his trials resulted in failure to get readers to his site. F
rom then his website affected the Google Page-ranking Process, he got too low website Rank and  Like him, many Bloggers are failing to gain huge traffic i.e. visitors or readers to their sites.

On this Monday, while we in our discussion, he told me that he is failing to regain the traffic to his site. I asked him some details and saw his site. I got surprised. He has good number of postings, maximum numbers of niches are in his postings, per day he is blogging for 5-6 hours regularly. Finally i came to some conclusion why the website getting fail to bring traffic from many online resources.

Finally I suggested him some valuable tips on How to get Traffic from Various Online Resources. They are...

Headline should be catchy- 

Your headline is the important thing users will see from your article.

Your post should be catchy headline. 

Because visitors may understand the worthy ness of your content in the post.

Here is the good form of Headlines for the post.

Meaningful & short description

 The description about your post has a key role in winning the traffic towards your site.

In the description never use lies and false facts and your assumptions, wrong statistics.

Don't include dates or prices etc.

Write a simple engaging description of your website that will make readers want to click on the link to your site.

If you write “this article tells the 10 ways to improve your online money earning through these blogging techniques”, visitors may think that your story is true and facts-based.

Your Meaningful & short description plan within 100-150 characters in other words about 15-25 words or so, probably 1-3 sentences.

Try to keep your one or two keywords in the summery.

Magnetic first paragraph

Don’t let your first paragraph a bad.

There is a scope to make visitors to leave your site if your first paragraph not formatted well.

So, always try to attract the visitors to came to your site.

Keep your main keyword (1 or 2) in the first paragraph.

Try to use true facts, statistics reports, interesting conclusions…because by reading your first paragraph visitor may decide to read more posts on your site or not.

Post Body-

First paragraph is a not everything.  

Your first paragraph is like an entrance hall of your home world.   So write your post body with a winning format.

Plan with Freshly (not copied) content with trendy topics to blogging to gain visitors.

Keep right keyword density and long tail keyword phrase.

Write post with 300 to 500 words (minimum).

Plan to 4 to 5 paragraph per post.

Give the links to right anchor text which may redirect to relevant content of post (suitable anchor text, relevancy in content, right keyword are makes your simple backlink to quality backlink that require to get better rank in the search engine results).

Make the post body easy for others to vote/ prefer / bookmark your site / to come again to read your new postings

 Last paragraphs

Give 1 or two keywords in last two paragraphs

Your last paragraph should be with true facts, statistics reports, interesting conclusions, happens what (if not realize or educated) etc…

Some Other Considerations-

Submit to the right category to publish your post to win visitors

Submit in targeted language

Prepare your server for the expected traffic

Double-check everything before posting

Note down details on each submissions

Use Ping service after posting 

Website Layout and Organization- Easily navigatable, 

Joining and participating in forums relevant to your niche

Use Social Media to get huge traffic towards your site. Because Social Media is a communication medium to connect with friends and family, employees, also for different aged groups.

Write a simple article with your links and post on a daily basis
Search your postings/ titles/ content on the search query page and you will know that how to get your article index in top 10 results in search engines page

Submit Your Blog and your RSS Feed

Instead of unnecessary topics for blogging, choose more profitable niches such as "Retail, Financial services, Computer & Internet, Automotive, Telecom, Travel, Media, Consumer, Entertainment, Social media, celebrities news"…etc……these niche are surely generates heavy traffic to your site.

Get here below Useful and Needed Tips to understand How to improve traffic from Online resources...

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